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Diabetes and Oatmeal: The Good, The Bad, Breakfast Tips, and More

May 28, 2023May 28, 2023

Do you know your daily carb count? If you have diabetes (and even if you don’t), you probably should. Monitoring carb intake is an important part of managing blood sugar and avoiding the dreaded hanger pangs.

Here are the basics:

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale used to measure how quickly the carb content of a food raises blood glucose. Foods with a low GI are better for managing blood sugar levels.

The glycemic load (GL) is another score that factors in the GI and the serving size of carbs in a food, making it a more accurate predictor for how a food will affect blood sugar levels.

Oatmeal is considered to have a low GI, rated at 55 or less (depending on the type). Other breakfast cereals like corn flakes score above 70, which is considered high on the index.

One cup of oatmeal has a GL of 11.5, meaning it has a moderate effect on blood sugar.

Consider oatmeal a diabetes-friendly option when eaten in moderation and in small portion sizes.

Props to those who don’t need a little somethin’ somethin’ to choke down their oatmeal. But we’d wager most people prefer to add nuts, fruit, or other sweeteners.

Add-ins like dried fruit can push the GI score well past 70. Instant versions often come infused with all these extras, meaning they’re a sure way to sugar spikes.

But if you’re careful with portions, consuming oatmeal may reduce the amount of insulin you need, and can also improve heart health.

Oat groats (say that three times fast!) are hulled, whole grain, oat kernels that are broken down through boiling into oatmeal — a nutrient-dense hot cereal.

Here’s the nutritional breakdown on a 1/2 cup of oats:

Scrolling through Pinterest and confused by the many aliases of oatmeal? You’re not alone.

Here’s the lowdown:

Congrats on completing Oatmeal Crash Course 101! Your certificate is in the mail…

Oats are less likely to spike blood sugar than other cereals, since they have a low glycemic index and the carb content comes primarily from fiber (not starches and sugars).

People with diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease and should monitor cholesterol levels. Oats contain beta glucans, a form of soluble fiber that studies have shown helps reduce bad cholesterol levels while maintaining good cholesterol levels.

Because of their low GI and GL, oats may reduce the need for insulin injections for those with diabetes when eaten in place of other carb-rich foods.

The moderate fiber content in oats make you feel full longer, which can reduce the urge to snack or overeat later.

Oats are a good source of long-term energy. That’s because they’re packed with B vitamins, iron, and manganese, which help power the body’s natural energy production system.

Fiber-rich foods help regulate digestion. Remember those beta glucans that help reduce cholesterol? They also boost the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Overall, oatmeal is a good addition to a diabetes-friendly diet, so long as you’re a little picky about which kind you buy and keep the portions small. But there are still potential drawbacks.

The high-fiber content of oatmeal can lead to bloating and gassiness. If this happens to you, try drinking water with your oats.

If you have gastroparesis in addition to diabetes you should avoid oatmeal, since the high fiber content can cause harmful side effects.

A few other risks to consider include:



These uncooked oats contain resistant starch — a type of starch that doesn’t break down during digestion. Resistant starches have been shown to improve gut health and insulin resistance, since fewer carbs end up in the bloodstream during digestion.

These convenient, freezer-friendly gems can be defrosted and heated in the toaster. Add a tablespoon of peanut butter, almond butter, avocado, or low-fat ricotta cheese.

The most popular yogurt in the fridge, Greek yogurt has more protein and fewer carbs than traditional yogurt. Make sure to choose a variety that doesn’t have a lot of hidden sugar, like FAGE.

If you like a savory breakfast, add a tablespoon of nuts to cottage cheese for a fast and balanced morning meal.

Running late? Hard-boiled eggs might be a good option. You can batch-boil them at the start of the week and then grab one each morning on your way out the door. Dietary recommendations suggest that eating fewer than six eggs a week won’t significantly affect your cholesterol levels — though more research is needed to support this limitation.

Whatever you decide to eat in the morning, be sure to measure your blood glucose before eating and two hours after to know how foods affect you.

Steel-cut oats:Rolled oats:old-fashioned oatsInstant oats:Quick oatsOvernight oatsAllergies:Unwanted additives:Carb content