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Nufer: May is Law Enforcement Appreciation Month

Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023

In 1962 President Kennedy designated May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day. And soon after, May was designated as Law Enforcement Appreciation Month.

National Peace Officers Day honors law enforcement officers who have given the ultimate price, their lives. In 2021, 632 officers died in the line of duty in the United States. So far in 2022, there have been 92.

Law enforcement put their lives on the line each day. Their self-less commitment to serve and protect our communities comes with great sacrifice for them and their families.

Police see the most horrendous events and must act immediately to keep peace and to help save lives. We must remember they do this day after day throughout their entire career. They are human beings with real feelings and emotions, and it is difficult to shut off the day’s events at the doorsteps of their homes.

It is no wonder so many struggle with their mental health. According to the National Police Association, police suicide has been a concern for over twenty years. In 2021, there were 632 law enforcement deaths across the nation and nearly 25% of those were self-inflicted.

Being in law enforcement is even more difficult these days with all the new constraints placed on them, staff shortages, skyrocketing crime, ambush worries, lax laws, and lack of respect for what they do. And, as if that is not enough, the legislature passed a law where they can be sued civilly. All these things have led to a severe shortage of officers which can impact our well-being and safety.

Additionally, police officers take the role of social workers, community organizers, counselors, protectors, mediators, teachers, and even medical care providers. Pueblo police officers also act as coaches and mentors through their participation in the Pueblo Police Activities League (PPAL) by providing positive interactions through sportsmanship and relationship building.

In my opinion, there is no other profession more vital to a community than law enforcement and yet, they seem to be the most disrespected. Police officers are not perfect, just as we are not, but they are doing their best in a most difficult situation.

In support of local law enforcement officers that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the protection of others, Pueblo Police Chief Chris Noeller invites the community to attend our local Law Enforcement Memorial Event on May 17th at 11:30 am at the Riverwalk, the location of the Pueblo’s future law enforcement memorial just below the AT&T parking lot. This will be a joint event with the Pueblo Police Department, Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office, and the Colorado State Patrol. The event will be followed by a reception at the Center for American Values where citizens can obtain more information about the Memorial Wall and how to show support of this endeavor.

With May being Law Enforcement Appreciation Month, there are many things we can do as a community to show them we care but the most important one is to simply say, “thank you”.

Betty Nufer is a community advocate and cheerleader for those who need support getting through the rough times in life. She can be reached at [email protected].